Useful Update Commands

Important Updates commands

Shown below is an essential set of update commands that a user require to receive updates seamlessly.
To use below update commands replace the tag <os> with correct name depending on the operating system.

  • For mac - darwin
  • For linux - linux
  • For windows - windows

Before you begin

The following commands should be performed in command prompt under the folder path of <product-home>/bin



   ./wso2update_linux [--help | help]
                      <command> [<args>]


./wso2update_linux tool is a simple command-line tool that connects to the WSO2 Update service, determines which updates are new and relevant, thereafter downloads and updates the product.

You will be prompted to enter WSO2 credentials to initializing the tool. Therefore, you require a WSO2 account to start using the update tool.

Need a WSO2 Account? Sign up

To find out the latest on WSO2 Update, visit WSO2 Updates Page


-l, --level <level>      Update the product upto the given level. 
                         The provided level may or may not contain the product version.

-b, --backup             Specify updates backup directory.
-c, --channel string     Channel updates should be downloaded (default "full")
    --continue           Continue the update with merging resolved conflicts.
    --dry-run            Simulate the update
-u, --username           Specify your WSO2 account email.
-p, --password           Specify your WSO2 account password.
    --revert                  Revert to the previous update level.
    --template string         Specify the template output.
-v, --verbose            Enable verbose mode.
-h, --help               Help for wso2update.
--no-backup              Skip product backup

Sub Commands

Here is a list of available subcommands:

Sub commands Detail
apply-hotfix Apply an available hotfix
apply-update Apply updates to an isolated environment
check Check available new levels for the product
current-state Show current details of the product
create-update Creates a zip file with updates corresponding to an update level range
revert-hotfix Revert the most recently applied hotfix
version Print Update tool version
help Prints usage details of a command

Exit Codes

Here is a list of exit codes:

Exit Code Detail
0 Operation Successful
1 Default error
2 Self Update
3 Conflict(s) encountered
4 Reverted


  • Check the current version of Update tool in use on your system

    ./wso2update_linux version

  • Get help on how to use the update command

    ./wso2update_linux help check

  • Update the product to the latest level. You will be prompted to enter WSO2 credentials.

    Username: [email protected]
    Password for ‘[email protected]’: my_password

  • Update the product to the latest level by entering WSO2 credentials as arguments.

    ./wso2update_linux --username [email protected] --password my_password

  • Use templating to obtain output specific to the type of information that is required.

    ./wso2update_linux --template "Added: {{.Added}}, Modified: {{.Modified}}, Removed: {{.Removed}}"

  • Update the product up to a given level

    ./wso2update_linux --level

  • Simulate the update

    ./wso2update_linux --dry-run

wso2update_<os> help


./wso2update_linux help [command] [options]


Help provides help for any command in the tool. If Help command is applied with no options and no command, the synopsis of the update command, and a list of updates are printed. If a command is given, full details for that command is brought up.


./wso2update_linux -h and ./wso2update_linux –-help commands are identical to ./wso2update_linux help.


-v, --verbose
        Enable verbose mode.


  • Get help on how to use the check command

./wso2update_linux help check

wso2update_<os> version


./wso2update_linux version [options]


Version command prints the Update tool distribution version information such as Update tool version, release date, operating system, architecture and Go version.


    -v, --verbose
        Enable verbose mode.


  • Get update tool version information.

./wso2update_linux version

wso2update_<os> check


./wso2update_linux check [options]


Checks the availability of new levels for the product.

Check command detects available new levels for the product and prints the findings.


-v, --verbose
    Enable verbose mode.


Check new levels

./wso2update_linux check

wso2update_<os> current-state


./wso2update_linux current-state [options]


Show current state details of the product.

Current-state command prints the current details of the product. This command retrieves and shows the current level and add hotfixes to the product.


-v, --verbose
    Enable verbose mode.


Get the current status of the product

./wso2update_linux current-state

wso2update_<os> create-update


./wso2update_linux create-update [options]

create-update command produces a zip file containing updates corresponding to an update level range that is applied to a product in an environment without Internet access.


-e, --end-level string      Ending update level (default "0")
-h, --help                  Help for create-update 
-s, --start-level string    Starting update level
-p, --password string       Specify your WSO2 account password 
-u, --username string       Specify your WSO2 account email
-v, --verbose               Enable verbose mode


Creates a zip file that comprises update level range that is applied to a product.

./wso2update_linux create-update

Creates a zip file with defined update level range that is applied to a product.

./wso2update_linux create-update -s <start_level> -e <end_level>

wso2update_<os> apply-update


./wso2update_linux apply-update [options]

apply-update command pointing to the update zip file would facilitate the propagation of updates to a WSO2 product in a lockdown environment. First apply-update command would ascertain whether the latest version of the update client is being used, if the latest version of the tool is absent the client updates itself. Thereafter, it would prompt the user for a re-run of apply-update command.


-b, --backup string   Specify updates backup directory
    --continue        Merge resolved conflicts
    --dry-run         Simulate the update
-h, --help            Help for apply-update
    --revert          Revert to the previous update level
-v, --verbose         Enable verbose mode
--no-backup           Skip product backup


Executing the apply-update command pointing the update zip file location would facilitate receiving updates to the lockdown environment.

./wso2update_linux apply-update <path-to-update-zip-file>

Note: if you are faced with an unknown command "apply-update" for "wso2update" error while applying updates offline, Click here

wso2update_<os> apply-hotfix


./wso2update_linux apply-hotfix [options] <path-to-hotfix>


Apply an available hotfix.

Apply-hotfix command applies an available hotfix to the product distribution. This path should be pointed to a .zip file that contains a WSO2 provided hotfix.


That a Hotfix cannot be applied when an update is taken immediately before taking a Hotfix.


-v, --verbose
    Enable verbose mode.
    Apply hotfix offline


Apply a hotfix to the product

./wso2update_linux apply-hotfix

wso2update_<os> revert-hotfix


wso2update_linux revert-hotfix - Revert most recently applied hotfix.


./wso2update_linux revert-hotfix [options]


Revert-hotfix command reverts the most recently applied hotfix and any configuration that you may have changed while the newest hotfix is installed to the product distribution.


-v, --verbose
    Enable verbose mode.


Revert the previously applied hotfix

   ./wso2update_linux revert-hotfix

wso2update_<os> create-docker

create-docker is used to build a docker image of the product, which will be created along with the applied updates and hotfixes, that will be run in a test environment prior to applying the same to a production environment.


./wso2update_linux create-docker [Options]


./wso2update_linux create-docker [Options]


Open a terminal and run the following command(s) as the root user.


-h, --help                   help for create-docker
    --os string              Base OS of the Docker image (default "alpine")
-p, --password string        Specify your WSO2 account password
-t, --tag string             Value the created image should be tagged with(default "alpine")

    --trial-subscription     Continue with a trial subscription
-u, --username string        Specify your WSO2 account email
-v, --verbose                Enable verbose mode

Refer our Webinar on Updates 2.0 to witness how you could receive updates with WSO2 Updates 2.0
